Steel Cut Oatmeal

Steel Cut Oatmeal


1 Part Steel Cut Oats
3 Parts Boiling Water
1 Part Milk

Simply take 1 part of Steel Cut Oats and toast them dry over medium/high heat.  Once they start to smell toasty, add 3 parts of Boiling Water.  Let that simmer on Low Heat for 30 minutes, or until all the water is cooked into the Oats.  

Finally add 1 part of Milk (or Milk Substitute, or more Water) and cook while stirring over low heat until the mixture thickens up.  It'll take about 5 minutes.  

Bowl up a good portion and add in some extra Milk or Buttermilk if you wish.  Add in some Honey, Dried Fruit, Nuts... WHATEVER!  It's all good.

Simply put, I've found that it's best to cook Steel Cut Oats in a 1:4 ratio.  That is 1 Part Steel Cut Oats to 4 parts Liquid (in the case of this video, I cook the oats in 3 parts water, and the final part in milk.  But you can cook up your oats however you want.)



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